About Clyde
Clyde, a town of 912 people, sits at the base of Elk Creek along the Republican River in north central Kansas, elevation 1300’. The area offers abundant habitat for deer, turkey, pheasant, and quail. People enjoy fishing on the river and at nearby reservoirs. Well-kept homes, gardens, sidewalks, and brick streets make Clyde an attractive town. Numerous stores offer Clyde residents an opportunity to buy what they need in minutes.
Historical Roots
Clyde was founded in 1866 and settled by Germans, Scandinavians, and French-Canadians.
The original French-Canadians settled primarily near St. Joseph, five miles to the south.
Today, 29% of Clyde’s population claims French-Canadian or French ancestors.
Present Day
The average income in Clyde is higher than other cities in the area, though lower than the state average. Poverty rates are half the average for Kansas, and the cost of living is relatively low (70% of the U.S. average).
The City actively supports upgrades to the housing stock and the demolition of abandoned structures. In 2021, the city completed a major undertaking with a new zero entry swimming pool. Clyde has a deep tradition of active civic and social engagement that keeps the community fresh and alive.
The Cloud County Genealogical Society has Cemetery Publications and the 1880 U.S. Census for Cloud County available.
For more information, contact: Cloud County Genealogical Society
PO Box 202
Concordia, Kansas 66901-0202
Cemetery Directories Available